1970 Folwell Ave
St. Paul, MN 55108
United States
- Ph.D. University of Minnesota, Plant Breeding and Genetics
- M.S. Cornell University, Ornamental Grass Taxonomy
- B. S. Clemson University, Horticulture
- American Society of Horticultural Science
- Seed Your Future
- Minnesota State Horticultural Society
- Perennial Plant Association
- Lake Minnetonka Garden Club
- Garden Club of America
Areas of Interest
Native and landscape grasses, prairie restoration, plant propagation, environmental stress and plant hardiness.
Dr. Meyer is a professor emeritus with the University of Minnesota and has studied grasses and their use in the landscape in Northeastern and Midwestern U.S. for over 40 years. She is the author of several publications, including Ornamental Grasses for Cold Climates, and co-author of The 10 Plants That Changed Minnesota and the online book Gardening with Native Grasses in Cold Climates.
Dr. Meyer taught several classes including Plant Materials and Global seminars traveling to England, Scotland, China and Japan.
Dr. Meyer joined the Horticultural Science faculty in 1994 and had primarily an Extension and research appointment. She transitioned to emeritus faculty status as of 2021. Her research interests include native and ornamental grasses and sedges, especially Miscanthus, Schizachyrium, Pennisetum and Sporobolus. She has studied the propagation and production of grasses including cold hardiness, and low maintenance sustainable landscaping. Blue Heaven® is a patented little bluestem, she released in 2006 and Golden Sunset® is a patented yellow prairie grass she released in 2021. Dr. Meyer has studied Miscanthus and where it has escaped in the United States, especially in national parks, and authored the website entitled Miscanthus: Ornamental and Invasive Grass. She is the author of Ornamental Grasses for Cold Climates, which can be purchased from the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum.
Dr. Meyer curates and manages the North American Plant Collections Consortium Grass Collection at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, which was planted in 1987. Long term research on grass hardiness from this collection has been published in HortTechnology.
Projects completed by Meyer's Master's Masters of Professional Studies in Horticulture include:
Public Gardens of Minnesota
Online learning is equally as effective as traditional classroom training for Master gardeners
Dr. Meyer works with Extension Educators, along with the Education and Marketing staff at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, in teaching about sustainable landscapes using grasses. Sarah Elliot, a former Water Resources graduate student working with Dr. Meyer, measured the effect of the Arboretum’s rain garden (.pdf) and has published information on the rain garden and runoff model at the Arboretum (.pdf).
From 1993-2007, Dr. Meyer was the State Coordinator for the University of Minnesota Extension Master Gardener program. For two years, 2008-2010, Dr. Meyer was the Interim Director of the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum. From 2013-2014 Dr. Meyer was President of the American Society of Horticultural Science when she started the national initiative Seed Your Future along with Dr. Douglas Needham at Longwood Gardens.
In 2017, Dr. Meyer co-authored the 10 Plants That Changed Minnesota with Susan Davis Price, published by the Minnesota State Historical Society. The 10 Plants website contains additional information along with the 70-page 10 Plants Teachers Activities Handbook, for middle and high school teachers. Minnesota life science teachers can obtain free copies of the book and handbook by contacting Dr. Meyer at [email protected].
Select Publications
- Meyer, M. Hockenberry and Brandon Michael Miller. 2023. Many Landscape Grasses Survive Long-term Hardiness Trials in United States Department of Agriculture Plant Hardiness Zone 4b. HortTechnology. 33:407-418.
https://journals.ashs.org/horttech/view/journals/horttech/33/4/article-p407.xml. - Brewer, K., Meyer, M.H., S. Galatowitsch, and S. Hokanson. 2022. Using Plugs and Hydrogels to Establish Populations of Prairie Dropseed, a Critical Native Grass, in Restored Prairies in Minnesota, HortScience, 57(8), 851-855. Retrieved Jul 23, 2022, from https://journals.ashs.org/hortsci/view/journals/hortsci/57/8/article-p851.xml
- Brewer, K., N. Kreevich, M. H. Meyer, S. Galatowitsch, and S. Hokanson. 2022. Using herbarium collections and species observation databases to assess the conservation status of prairie dropseed in Minnesota. Native Plants Journal. 23:(2)156-167; doi:10.3368/npj.23.2.156.
- Weisenhorn J., M. Meyer, R. McGoff, T. Rooney. 2021. Weekly Question-and-Answer Extension Radio Show Helps Listeners Adopt Environmentally Sound Horticulture Practices. Horticulturae. 7(4):72. https://doi.org/10.3390/horticulturae7040072
- Meyer, M. H. C. Van Zeeland, K. Brewer 2021. Chinese Silvergrass Seed Shows Long-term Viability. HortTechnology. 31:1-4.
https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTTECH04741-20. accessed online 22 Jan. 2021. - Meyer, M. H., N. Bumgarner, and A. Pulte. 2019. Top 10 Plants: Increasing Awareness of Plants. Crop Sci. 59 (6):2329-2336. doi:10.2135/cropsci2019.05.0341.
- Meyer, M.H., & Narem, D. M. 2019. Prairie Dropseed Germination Highest with Warm, Moist Conditions, HortTechnology 29(6): 830-832. Retrieved Dec. 3, 20219 from https://journals.ashs.org/horttech/view/journals/horttech/29/6/article-p830.xml.
- Narem, D. M. H. Meyer, C. Yue and N. Roth. 2018. Point of Sale Displays Influence Consumer Decisions To Purchase Native Grasses. HortTechnology 28:748-754.
- Davenport-Hagen, L., J. Weisenhorn, and M. Hockenberry Meyer. 2018. Applied Research Engages Extension Master Gardener Volunteers. Journal of Extension. 56:4 <https://joe.org/joe/2018august/iw5.php>.
- Meyer, M. H., P. Bennett, B. Fair, J. E. Klett, K. Moore, H. B. Pemberton, L. Perry, J. Rozum, A. Shay, and M. D. Taylor. 2017. Switchgrass and little bluestem cultivars show performance variation across eight states in National Grass Trials. HortTechnology 27:731-738. doi: 10.21273/HORTTECH03795-17.
- Narem, D. and M. H. Meyer. 2017. Native Prairie Graminoid Host Plants of Minnesota and the Upper Midwest and Associated Lepidoptera: A Literature Review. Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 71(4): 225–235.
- Arnold, M. A., M. H. Meyer, T. Rhodus and S. Barton. 2017. HortIM™ – An Innovative Online Peer Review System For Horticultural Teaching And Extension Instructional Materials. HortTechnology 27:138-143; doi:10.21273/HORTTECH03650-17
- Bradley, L.K., E.M. Bauske, T.A. Bewick, J.R. Clark, R.E.Durham, G. Langellotto, M.H. Meyer, M. Pooler, S. Dorn. 2016. Developing a National Strategic Plan for Consumer Horticulture. HortTechnology 26:372–378.
- Meyer, M., D. Needham, J. Dole, B. Trader, J. Fox, M. Conley, M. Neff, and J. Shaw. 2016. Importance of Horticulture and Perception as a Career. HortTechnology 26:114-120.
- Bauske, E. M., G. R. Bachman, T. Bewick, L. Bradley, D. Close, R. Durham, and M. H. Meyer. 2015. The case for a national strategic plan for consumer horticulture research, education, and extension. HortTechnology 25: 477-479.
- Boldt, J., M. H. Meyer, and J. Erwin. 2014. Foliar Anthocyanins: A Horticultural Review. Hort Reviews 42: 209-239.
- McGinnis, E., A. Smith and M. Meyer. 2014. Environmental Control of Flowering in Pennsylvania Sedge. HortTechnology 24: 301-306.
- Miller, D. R., R. J. Mugaas, M. H. Meyer, and E. Watkins. 2013. Performance of Low-maintenance Turfgrass Mixtures and Blends. HortTechnology 23:610-612.
- Meyer, M. H. and D. Michener. 2013. Academic, Internship, and Cooperative Extension Programs at Botanic Gardens. HortTechnology23: 635-641. Meyer, M. H. 2013. Ornamental Grass Trials. Acta Horticulturae. (ISHS) 980:59-65. http://www.actahort.org/books/980/980_8.htm.
- Meyer, M. H., C. Haynes, D. Ellsworth, S. Ellis Williams, C. Welty, K. Jeannette. 2012. An Online Plant Diagnostics Module for Extension Master Gardeners. HortTechnology 22:589-591.
- Meyer, M.H. and J. Hong. 2011. Miscanthus ×giganteus Can be Propagated from Stem Cuttings. J. Environ. Hort. 29:193–196.
- Elliott, S., M.H. Meyer, G. R. Sands, and B. Horgan. 2011. Water Quality Characteristics of Three Rain Gardens Located Within the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area, Minnesota. Cities and the Environment. Vol. 4 Issue 4. p.1-15. http://digitalcommons.lmu.edu/cate/vol4/iss1/4
- Foord, K., D. Zlesak, T. Bartholomay, M. Meyer. 2011. Effectiveness and Audience Analysis of University of Minnesota Extension's Electronic Yard and Garden Newsletter. HortTechnology 21:252-259.
- McGinnis, E. and M. Meyer. 2011. After-ripening, Stratification, and Perigynia Removal Enhance Pennsylvania Sedge Germination. HortTechnology 21: 187-192.
- Cavanaugh, M., E. Watkins, B. Horgan, and M. Meyer. 2011. Conversion of Kentucky bluegrass rough to no-mow, low-input grasses. Online. Applied Turfgrass Science. doi:10.1094/ATS-2011-0926-02-RS.
- Meyer, M., J. Paul, N. Anderson. 2010. Competitive ability of invasive Miscanthus biotypes with aggressive switchgrass. Biological Invasions. 10.1007/s10530-010-9773-0. http://www.springerlink.com/content/r0p638p677tm4113/.
Honors and Awards
- 2021 Horticulture Award, Garden Club of America, Zone XI Annual Meeting, St Paul, MN
- 2020 Yard and Garden Newsletter/Blog ASHS Extension Materials Award. Julie Weisenhorn, Gail Hudson and Mary Meyer
- 2020 Garden Club of America, Horticulture Award, Lake Minnetonka Garden Club
- 2019 Dean's Award for Distinguished Campus-based Faculty. University of Minnesota Extension.
- 2019 B.Y. Morrison Memorial Lecturer, USDA, ARS. Recognizes scientists who have made unique contributions to horticulture and other environmental sciences. ASHS Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV.
- 2019 Garden Comm Media Awards Silver Medal Gardening with Native Grasses in Cold Climates. Diane M. Narem and Mary Hockenberry Meyer
- 2019 American Society for Horticultural Science Extension Materials Award, e-book: Gardening with Native Grasses in Cold Climates. Diane M. Narem and Mary Hockenberry Meyer
- 2018 Greenhouse Growers Game Changer Award. Given to Seed Your Future. see: https://www.greenhousegrower.com/events/seed-your-future-is-greenhouse-growers-first-ever-gamechanger-of-the-year/.
- 2018 American Horticultural Society National Teaching Award. Given to an individual whose ability to share his or her horticultural knowledge with others has contributed to a better public understanding of the plant world and its important influence on society.
- 2016 Garden Club of America, Marion Thompson Fuller Brown Conservation Award for outstanding conservation exhibit May 2016 in conjunction with the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, GCA National Meeting, Minneapolis, MN
- 2014-15 Chair, American Society of Horticultural Science, Board of Directors 2013 Minnesota State Horticultural Society: Individual State Bronze Award for Education and Plant Introduction
- 2013-14 President, American Society of Horticultural Science 2012 Terrace Horticultural Award, Terrace Horticultural Books, St. Paul, MN
- 2012 Fellow, American Society of Horticultural Science, Class of 2012 2007 Outstanding Extension Educator, National Career Award presented at the American Society of Horticultural Science Annual Conference, Scottsdale, Arizona, July 17, 2007
- 2000 American Society for Horticultural Science. Distinguished Achievement Award. Consumer Extension. Extension Division.
Plant Patents:
- 2021 Plant Patent Sorghastum nutans Golden Sunset® yellow prairie grass, US Plant Patent Number 33,776
- 2006 Plant Patent: Schizachyrium scoparium ‘MinnblueA’ Blue Heaven® little bluestem, US Plant Patent Number 17,310.